“Spotted Eagle Ray”
The markings of the Spotted Eagle Ray are as unique and beautiful as any art form can represent. This work is a dedication to protecting the vitality of the worlds oceans and it’s ability to host the complex ecosystems and animals living there. The Spotted Eagle Ray can have a wingspan of up to 10 feet and weigh up to 500 pounds, but like many other sea animals, they have been included in the IUCN’s Red List as “near threatened”. Our awareness of the health of our oceans is a starting point toward our understanding of further actions that we can take as ambassadors of a sustainable future for all. Enjoy this new work for 2018 as another Beachbones quality original. -d.vonmartin
“Spotted Eagle Ray”, 48″ x 48″, acrylic & spray
Purchase? Contact d.vonmartin here.